He said that India is allowed to field players in every formtat of World Badminton Championship to be held at Gachibowli stadium in Hyderabad from August 10-16. This wild card entries would give a chance to more players to take part in the prestigious championship. Now, the team will consist of Arun Vishnu, Aparna Balan, K Tarun and Shruti Kurian, who will get an opportunity to represent India for the singles and the doubles team respectively.
Shuttlers P Kashayap and Sayali Gokhale will comprise extra team for the event. According to the format, 64 highest ranked players qualify to participate in the World Championship and the Indian singles team comprises Chetan Anand, Arvind Bhatt, Saina Nehwal and Aditi Mutatkar. The doubles team has Rupesh Kumar, Sanave Thomas, Akshay Dewalkar and Jishnu Sanyal while the mixed doubles team would present the seasoned pair of V Diju and Jwala Gutta. The other team to make it through the ranking criteria is Arun Vishnu and Aparna Balan.
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